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Steam$ for Paypal/PS
  punix, May 28 2016

Yo I have some cash sitting in my Steam account that I would like to trade for Paypal/PS money or Amazon Giftcards or something useful.
I can trade up to 90 EUR and I would give you a bonus for trading. The only way I can give you this Steam money is either trade you skins or gift you games (I would highly prefer the latter). So if there is someone out there that wants to buy a game on Steam anyway soon just msg me and we figure something out.

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Going All-In against Roommate?
  punix, Aug 09 2015

Hey LP,

Moved to the US in May for a 6 month research internship at an US-American university (usually iam a PhD student in Germany). To keep my expenses low (since €-$ conversion sucks balls since several months) I searched a furnished Apt. with roommates. The city where Iam at is quite small and is basically University all over the place. Mostly places were leased by big property managements that have certain areas where all houses look the same, you have some amenities and stuff.. Was hard to find a furnished one for only 6 months but managed to get one for 8 months and agreed to that. It is a 3 way Apt. but everyone signs his lease individually with the management.

When I arrived I was the only one in the Apt for a month after that I got some1 moving in. The guy that moved in is literally the stupidest person Ive ever met in my entire life. He is a American and he has over 300 videos and 2000 photos of himself at Facebook (that says a lot already imo). Every post on Facebook from him has at least 2 very critical grammatical or spelling errors. Also the things he says don't really make sense and you have to figure out what he means. So far so good. So I thought okay if we get along for the next 5 months no problem and getting along shouldnt be that hard as Iam usually not in the Apt from Mo-Fr from 8am til 9pm since I go to work and afterwards to the Gym every day.

Turned out I could be wrong. He bought a cat in the 2nd week he got here and I was a little worried 'bout that. Iam fine with pets but a stupid person carying for another living thing ?! But ok...

His day-night rythm is completely fucked up he stays awake the whole night and then sleeps maybe during the day (I have no idea ?! since sometimes he gets up early and leaves. sometimes he is gone for the whole night.. i have the feeling this guy is up to no good). He started doing his laundry during the night... The washing machine is fucking loud and next to my room so I couldnt sleep at all and he did his laundry at times like 3am.. So I was not too pleased with that and asked him wtf was going on and if he couldnt do his laundry at normal uptimes. He agreed.

After a while he asked me on FB what iam doing from (random date) to (random date) and for me that was kinda obvious that probably he wants to go away and wants me to look after his cat so I responded with "yea iam in town and can watch your cat". He was totally amazed by how I figured that out ("lool. so crazy howd you know that? none of my american friends could have figured that out. omg. lol" <- I think that demonstrates his stupidity once again). Just the night before he left for his short vacation trip he did laundry again in the middle of the night and I had an important meeting the next day. He also packed his things afterwards for the trip in a very loud way (smashed his cupboard and let things randomly fall on the ground). Basically he kept me awake from 2am to 6am. I wrote him a FB message that I was super pissed and that I already told him to not do his fucking laundry in the middle of the night and that he is very disrespectful and that if he does that ever again shit will get serious and stuff. He responded with "u 2 have a great day" "dont worry about the cat".
After the first sentence I was furious.... The 2nd sentence didnt made annnnnnnnnnny fucking sense. A usual human being would think that he took his cat to his parents or a friend or something (why would he say dont worry about it?). Turns out that was not the case and I still had to worry about his cat but that probably just him being stupid.

Watching the cat was fine for me and he offered to give me money for that or anything but I declined since it wasnt a big effort and its ok. After he returned I talked to him about the incident with the washing machine and his response to my message ("u 2 have a great day") which upset me big time. He couldnt even look me in the eyes and kind of apologized but he started lying and said he apologized on FB 5 times and that I was still kinda yelling at him through FB. I told him that is kinda stupid to lie about something like FB chats where everyone can proof it asap with the log.

He avoided me (was probably a bit afraid because I kinda raged a bit in the conversation since it is just reckless and mega stupid) for couple of days but after some days we were cool again and everything was normal.

Iam the one that is in charge with electricty (some1 has to register it and then we split internally). He hasnt paid his electricity duties at all so far. He told me that he would pay me at least the June bill on Friday. So far I was absolutely cool about it as I dont really need the money asap but I definitely want the fucking money that I already paid for him. So he still owes me june and july bill!! To be fair he said couple of times that he doesnt have the money right now and if its okay if he delays his payment a bit. I agreed as I didnt need it asap and one day he told me "hey. thanks for being so cool with the payment stuff. i dont wanna be in debts with ppl. i will definitely pay you but i dont wanna fuck up my credit and i need to pay fees when getting cash (he needs to pay me in cash since i dont have an US bank acc) but Ill get it til friday and then you get your money". I agreed once again.

Til Tuesday he was not in our Apt. at all (its sunday right now).
So A) no payment on Friday as promised but even worse
B) his cat is in his fucking room alone for already 5 days straight. He didn't say a thing that he was going to leave but since he posts his whole life on FB I know that he is at his parents place and he was talking about getting a tatoo (so nno money to pay me but going on vacations, getting tatoos and stuff). The cat is at least alive since I can hear it "mwauing" but I have no real idea in what exact condition or if its shitting all over the place (I hope it at least shits in his fucking bed).

This guy is sooo fucking irresponsible and awful. Question for me is now: Do I go all-in and report all that shit to the management and try to get him kicked out ?! (I have no idea when this idiot is planing on returning) or should I stay cool about it and wait at least a day more and see if he comes back.
I can see by looking at his door that it is unlocked. So theoretically I could enter it BUT he never told me a thing about leaving and shit and I dont really wanna enter his room without any permission from him (since he didnt say a word... and its kinda illegal to just enter his room and I dont wanna get in trouble). I could just msg him on FB but I see it happening that he will just say something "oh i left my door unlocked. just watch the cat pls" and then out of a sudden Iam responsible for whatever happens to the cat. I definitely do not want that!
The only thing about trying to get him kicked out is if they dont kick him out and just charge him for being a jackass then our life in here will be pretty fucked up (as he will be super upset facing charges and it will be obvious that I told them like a little pussy behind his back). On one side I dont care too much about that but on the other side I wanna leave in piece and sleep during nights. So I would prefere a peaceful option. That can only be: not saying a thing or forcing a kick-out or if he just faces charges try to get the management to move me to another building or stuff.

What do you think about it LP?

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Everest Fee for Inactivity
  punix, Feb 13 2015

Yo sup LP,

When I was a huge whale back in the days (prolly still are) I made accounts on so many different poker sites where I could get some no deposit bonuses (out of my head I remember everest, titan, pkr, intertops pkr).
Mostly I gamb00led the rools away and left the site (sometimes there were still some cents left over with which I could not buy in again to the lowest cash games).

Now I got an e-Mail from Everest stating that after 365 days of inactivity they will start charging an inactivity fee that applies for all account that are inactive for more than a year but still have money in their accounts (I have like 35 cents). At least they were fair enough to tell me that if I withdraw that money no fee will be charged.

Lol'd hard. Is this common sense on the different Ipkr webshits? That seems super greedy and BS to me but ok I don't care enough to really complain about it.
Just wanna know which sites I will have to check again for accounts with some money left over which I need to withdraw before they start charging a fee.

So if you leave some money on these sites (or can not even withdraw because the amount is too small) and you stop playing it will be gone after 1y+!

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